FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE and see Press Release from Mark Hooton below.
September 16, 2017 CONTACT: Barbara Biers (800) 755-3800 San Diego, CA USA
77 Lucas Oil SilverHook – upshifts t3 technology to next category :: Unlimited Hydroplanes at San Diego Bayfair :: September 16 - 17, 2017
Hot on the heels of breaking World Speed Record, US to Cuba and back, the SilverHook team is deploying their telemetry and analytics solution to the Unlimited Hydroplanes.
“It’s the next challenge” says Nigel Hook, CEO DataSkill, “the t3 technology gave us critical alerts while breaking the World Record and a challenge we overcame was sustaining satellite connection and Internet coverage across the ocean and over the horizon.”
In San Diego at Bayfair, the t3 solution handles speeds approaching 200 mph and a dense population of fans in proximity competing for cellular bandwidth. Crowds of 300,000 are estimated to attend Bayfair during the weekend.
The first test was on Friday when the U-11 Unlimited Hydroplane (Reliable Diamond Tool presents J & D's) ran successfully sharing speeds of 180mph during practice. The U-1 Unlimited Hydroplane sponsored by Home Street Bank and the current national points leader is running the YachtBot tracker supplied by SilverHook.
To see this in action, watch it live at Facts:
San Diego Bayfair has a long and rich tradition in Mission Bay Park. The first race was staged in 1964 thanks to the foresight of the great Unlimited hydroplane racer Bill Muncey, of San Diego.
Probably the best remembered Unlimited Hydroplanes was the Miss Budweiser. These boats are approximately 30 feet long and powered by a single T53 Jet Turbine engine producing 3000hp. (These turbines have evolved from military helicopters).
The race organization is H1 and is a sister category to P1 at APBA (American Power Boat Association).
Learn more about Nigel Hook’s vision and the technology used onboard #77 Lucas Oil SilverHook:
Lucas Oil is the leading producer of high performance lubricants!
Lucas Oil - Made in America and Sold to the World!
SilverHook® Powerboats is the most exclusive and technically advanced offshore monohull in the world. A platform for pioneering technology in partnership with DataSkill ACUMI and IBM.
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From: MARK HOOTON <> Date: Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 12:24 PM
Subject: Press Release
To: "" <>
Two of the H1 Unlimited hydroplanes competing in this weekend’s Bayfair Bill Muncey Cup on San Diego, California’s Mission Bay are introducing groundbreaking telemetry technology to our fans.
“t3lemetry” is demoing the system this weekend in San Diego augmented by YACHTBOT, the fastest, toughest and most accurate GPS trackers in the world, that have been proven in world-leading events, including the grueling Volvo Ocean Race, Americas Cup and MedCup Series are now being introduced to hydroplane fans on the Reliable Diamond Tool Presents J&D’s and the Miss HomeStreet.
Through the website, fans can watch the real-time telemetry for speed and GPS tracking of their favorite team on computer or mobile device, anywhere in the world.
While being tested on San Diego’s racecourse during preliminary activities for the Bill Muncey Cup, YACHTBOT’s tracking was reviewed at the company headquarters in New Zealand to assure quality, reliability and error-free viewing. According to parent company Igtimi Limited, “this technology plays a role in creating more engaging sports entertainment, drawing in larger spectator crowds and capturing the imaginations of TV and webcast audiences around the world”.
The J&D’s and HomeStreet teams continue to introduce innovative ways to entertain their fans while
helping to grow H1 Unlimited hydroplane racing to non-traditional markets.
Fans can view the 2017 Bayfair real-time tracking at “” while the boats are on the course.
The teams are using two different t3lemetry units; speeds for the Reliable Diamond Tool Presents J&D’s will be on a gauge display on the screen while the speed and tracking for the Miss HomeStreet will follow the boat on the course.
Additional information for Reliable Diamond Tool Present J&D’s is available at: and for Miss HomeStreet is available at
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